Welcome to Maryam's web page

New CD ‘Prema’s Arrival’ was released May 2024 after a yearlong collaboration with talented producers and musicians. See News page.
My book Sweetness is That: Divine Experiences with Sathya Sai Baba was published November 2020.
This book is a collection of notes and journals of my remarkable experiences with Sathya Sai Baba since He came to my life in 1995.
It was fifteen years ago that I conceived of the idea to compile these writings into a book. I have combined accounts of these experiences with a synthesis of spiritual thoughts that help one towards awakening. The spiritual concepts are not new. The experiences are, however, novel. For more information see the News page.

about my book

‘Maryam has written a beautifully poetic account of her spiritual journey with Sai Baba. She gives clear descriptions of what are usually abstract categories such as amrit, kundalini, and spiritual experiences that occur in dreams, something many ancient texts refer to but which we hear little about today. This is an inspiration for anyone on a spiritual path.’
Brant Cortright, Ph.D.
Author of Psychotherapy and Spirit and Integral Psychology’
Copyright 2019 Maryam Smith | All Rights Reserved.
Image: mosque Isfahan, Iran